My mile four Runner Chick Marathon Lesson was not supposed to be this. I thought that I’d at least be in some sort of mid-marathon training before having to talk about consulting professionals when dealing with aches and pains. And I can’t even say that I hurt myself doing some amazing double digit awesomely hilly long run. Or that I PR’d my push press at Crossfit. No. I slept wrong. Six weeks ago. And stubborn me didn’t let it stop me. It slowed me a bit. I did attempt to go to the doctor two weeks ago and the muscle relaxers that she prescribed me didn’t do much to alleviate the pain I have. Last week I had an X-ray – and I hadn’t gotten the results yet but the pain was so bad that this morning my husband took me to an urgent care Ortho Doc.

Turns out I have a pain in my neck. From what I could understand – by c3 and c4 vertebrae are smushing the nerve that controls my right arm. I’m right handed so this is a bit inconvenient. Its worse at night sleeping and funnily exercise and stretching helps but I’m at the point of needing rest as we determine the next step. I’ve got an MRI scheduled to see more what we are dealing with… but until then… my running is going to look more like walks around the block (which we know I need to do at least a mile a day to earn that T-Shirt with the Frozen Feet Challenge…).

In a way this is a good thing to have happen mid-January. I’m not training for my spring half marathon yet and I can get this under control. I guess it is the body’s way of telling you to slow down, you’re doing to much. For right now I’m going to listen to that so I don’t do more damage. Any other runners out for a while? How are you dealing with the slower time?