Last summer as I was thinking about my running and trying to make a connection to my leadership background, I read this article on running hills in Runner’s World. Immediately when I read their advice “Think about “running tall,” with your head, shoulders, hips, and ankles aligned; Look ahead rather than down,” I made the connection between the hills in life and running and how to tackle them both. I was immediately hit with the realization that you have to be aware of what is happening around you even if you are tackling a difficult task like a hill or a challenge at work.

Many people avoid hills during their runs because, let’s admit it, they are hard! I have a running buddy, though, that shines on hills. Watching her scoot up them, head high, arms moving and constant motion forward, makes you want to chase up after her. Some hills are longer and steeper than others, while then you have the ones that sneak up on you. If you follow the strategy in Runner’s World to keep your head high and look ahead, you’ll find that hill much easier to climb.

What about hills in your everyday life? Are their challenges that you avoid because they seem hard? If you let a hill sneak up on you and you forget your strategy for tackling it, you’ll see it in your performance. Do you keep your head down and are you unaware of what is happening around you? Then – boom – hill. Being able to forecast your hills in life (and running) will make it easier to get up and over them.

Seek out the hills. They’ll only make you a stronger runner, employee, parent, spouse or leader.